Thursday, November 6, 2008

Setiawangsa as I see it

Well, 6th November 2008, What is so memorable about this Date? On this day Hubby and I actually took our last flight out of Kuala Lumpur.... will it be the last - yet to be known. But for now I am heading back to my long lost place of Birth Tawau Sabah. I have moved to Kuala Lumpur officially back so many years 14 th December 1990, to join my dear Hubby who had just started his job in the city centre of KL.

After many trials and tribulations, heartwarming and heartbreaking moments, it was never dictated to anyone or to me for all that matters that time flies, time flew, time goes on, or time went passing by......I had actually spent 18 years as a resident of Setiawangsa. Setiawangsa was then a very quiet end of KL. Cab drivers had taken me to Lake Titiwangsa because they mistook the real word of Setiawangsa with the famous lake of leisure. Of course that had happened when I was just very new in the city, trying to venture the likes of Pasar Keramat or Pasar ChowKit only to taken back to the fact that fresh food supplies are better secured at the local supermarket.

To cut short the 18 years to this very day today when I finally board the plane with the cat, I am leaving the third phase of my lifetime. I want to make this saying valid to me (and to others who has or will experience). I decided that I am not moving out of my Setiawangsa house, instead I am moving on with the next phase of life. MOVING ON BABE.

I am proud to say that through these years in KL I have the best honour of meeting so many people with beautiful hearts. I will never know how to thank each and every one of them enough for what they have offered me. People with beautiful hearts......

Did I say I flew out of KL with a Cat. Yes indeed, My dear Cat Leenie travelled with me in his little peach and pink cage. The black cat is the limelight of the Setiawangsa house. And he is coming home with us to Tawau. But upon reaching the KK airport, I have to hand over my dear Cat to the Animal Quarantine enforcers to undergo a one month of isolaton and quarantine procedure at the Quarantine facility in Kinarut. I am going to miss him real bad and big time.

Good night for now.....


AragangTandik said...

where ar u now? in Twu? hope to catch up with u n hubby when u're in town. Ring the tel pls.

NONA said...

Hi Rock, where r u now? Keep posting ya...